Healthcare Power of Attorney vs. Advanced Directive In Tampa

Healthcare decisions represent an important aspect of an effective estate plan in Tampa. Although there are numerous options when it comes to healthcare planning, two of the most popular options include powers of attorney and advance directives. It is important to understand the difference between these two estate planning tools. An experienced estate planning attorney may be able to help you choose the most appropriate option for your specific requirements.
What Is an Advanced Directive?
An advanced directive is a set of legal instructions left behind by an individual. These instructions will be followed if the individual becomes incapacitated. Doctors and loved ones must follow your advanced directive, and this estate planning tool allows you to control your healthcare even if you can’t make decisions.
When might you be unable to make decisions about your own healthcare? You might fall into a coma. Perhaps you’ll develop dementia and lose the mental capacity to make important decisions. There are many other examples of mental incapacitation that could affect your ability to make healthcare decisions.
What Is a Healthcare Power of Attorney?
A healthcare power of attorney transfers decision-making authority to another person if you become incapacitated. This person is called an “agent,” and you can choose anyone you like to serve in this role. With a medical power of attorney, you can put your trust in the hands of a loved one. Instead of simply assuming your doctors will make the right call, you can let your family control medical outcomes.
Which One Should I Choose?
You do not necessarily need to choose one over the other. Many people in Florida choose to establish both advanced directives and healthcare powers of attorney. This allows them to make certain decisions ahead of time while leaving more complex decisions to their loved ones.
It is virtually impossible to make decisions regarding all possible medical outcomes in an advanced directive. The human body is simply too complex, and you might develop countless conditions and injuries. What steps should doctors take if a limb becomes infected? Should they try a risky surgery or amputate? What happens if a brain surgery has a 27% chance of saving your life? Should doctors take that risk?
Advanced directives are best for basic, common healthcare decisions – such as removal from life support. You might also want to refuse certain treatments ahead of time on religious grounds. Medical powers of attorney make more sense for complex, unpredictable healthcare issues. When used in combination, they are both quite effective.
Can a Seminole Estate Planning Attorney Assist With Healthcare Decisions?
If you need help with healthcare decisions, consider a consultation with an experienced estate planning attorney in Tampa. These legal professionals can assess your unique situation and needs before recommending the most appropriate path forward. Choose Knudsen Law today, and take your first step toward peace of mind with a consultation.